HOT|COOL NO.4/16 - "From one generation..."


By Construction, Environment and Energy Director Hans-Henrik Høg, Municipality of Albertslund and Chief Project Manager Theodor Møller Moos, COWI A/S

The residence is made ready for low-temperature district heating by installing a radiator with double wall.

Albertslund is a district heating town District heating is firmly established, and has been an essential part of Albertslund’s DNA since the 1960s and 70s, but it has always moved with the times. The district heating was initially based on oil. In the late 1980s, a transmission network was established in Greater Copenhagen to use surplus heat from the big central combined heat & power plants – CHP plants - and waste incineration plants. Together with a user group, the authorities in Albertslund have been working constantly since 1980 to improve the service and implement many energy-saving measures. Among other things, these have resulted in individual metering and incentive/ cooling tariffs. Green Accounts have been drawn up, including ‘Small Green Accounts’ for each residential district. In 2008, Albertslund adopted an energy-saving action plan based on a national order on fixed annual energy-reduction requirements. The plan was drawn up to support local energy savings only. In return, providers receive a generous subsidy per MWh saved. Each year, the municipal council adopts a new, revised plan with targeted actions towards Albertslund Forsyning’s energy-saving efforts for the city’s homes, businesses and public institutions, including the development of the ‘Albertslund concept’ (a wide- ranging development and demonstration project in Albertslund) with renovated show homes in the residential districts. The producer is running internal projects to develop the metering system, renovate the pipe network and optimise district heating delivery from the CHP plant and the VEKS transmission system, as well as conducting energy-saving campaigns and providing energy advice.

After a successful phase 1, Albertslund is now moving on to the next phases, in which around 1,500 homes will be converted. Albertslund has now also decided that the whole city should switch to low-temperature district heating by 2026. In Albertslund (a suburb of Copenhagen, DK, built in the 1960s), a large renovation programme is underway. The aim is to energy-renovate the city’s homes and other properties and to convert the existing 90° C district heating network to a new 4th generation (4DH) system with low-temperature district heating. Phase 1 covered 544 dwellings; it started in 2013 and finished in 2015. The project was described in Hot Cool 1/2015 in the article ‘Low-temperature district heating is a reality’. The 544 homes in Albertslund South have now been thoroughly renovated and their residents have moved back in. The results are right up to expectations: heat demand has fallen by around 57 %, and the homes are supplied with district heating at a supply temperature of 50-55° C, while the return temperature is in the region of 30-35° C. Hot tap water is produced via district heating units (flat stations) in the individual homes. The users are happy to have moved back into their light and friendly homes, and are finding them warm and cosy. Therefore, it seems the low-temperature heat supply is working without any problems. The BO-VEST Housing Association and Albertslund Forsyning (the energy supplier) have now launched the next phases, which involve energy-renovating around 1,500 homes; these are either in progress or at the planning stage. The projects are building on the good experience gained from phase 1; for example, an external equipment box is being installed on the front of the building to accommodate all the new technical installations (ventilation with heat recovery, flat station for hot water, and connections for tap water, district heating, electricity and cabling). The design parameters for the low-temperature district heating are unchanged.

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