HOFOR Copenhagen Energy
Næstved Varmeværk Municipal district heating supply. Waste 80%, gas 20%. Heat sales: 200,000 MwH. 5000 customers Phone +45 5575 3623
TVIS Heat transmission company of Denmark’s ”triangle area”
Forsyning Helsingør Municipal utility. Cogeneration, heat & power supply for 20,000 citizens
Phone +45 3395 3395 hofor@hofor.dk www.hofor.dk
Phone +45 7594 0711 tvis@tvis.net www.tvis.net
Phone +45 4840 5050 pkm@fh.dk www.fh.dk
info@naestved-varme.dk www.naestved-varme.dk
Hydro-X Denmark’s international water treatment specialist within the utility sector
OE3i Developing optimizing solutions for district heating, district cooling and CHPs
Unotransport Transportation
Frederiksberg Forsyning Municipal district heating supply
Phone +45 9828 2111 info@hydro-x.dk www.hydro-x.dk
Phone +45 2120 7220 info@oe3i.dk www.oe3i.dk
Phone +45 7020 8011 uno@unotransport.com www.unotransport.dk
Phone +45 3818 5100 ff@frb-forsyning.dk www.frb-forsyning.dk
Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme Cooperative distributing DHC to citizens and companies in Hoeje-Taastrup municipality
Rambøll Consulting engineers and planners
VEKS West Copenhagen Heating Transmission Company
FW Rørteknik Stationary heat storage tanks - complete from design, construction, mounting, instrumentation to insulation and cladding
Phone +45 4355 3010 htf@htf.dk www.htf.dk
Phone +45 4366 0366 veks@veks.dk www.veks.dk
Phone +45 5161 1000 ramboll@ramboll.dk www.ramboll.com
Phone +45 7519 2277 fw@fw.dk www.fw.dk
IFU Investment fund for developing countries
Ross Engineering Geothermal solutions for district heating Phone +45 3810 0919 mail@rossoffshore.dk www.rossoffshore.dk
Vestforbrænding Power and heat supply based on waste incineration
Gemina Termix Water heaters, substations for heating and DHW, domestic hot water systems Phone +45 9714 1444
Phone +45 3363 7500 ifu@ifu.dk www.ifu.dk
Phone +45 4485 7000 vestfor@vestfor.dk www.vestfor.dk
mail@termix.dk www.termix.dk
Intego Energy technology solutions
Schneider Electric Quality software for profitable operation of industriel plants and utilities Phone +45 45 900 700 dk.hso.sales@schneider-electric.com www.schneider-electric.com
Viborg Fjernvarme Municipal district heating supply
Gentofte Fjernvarme Municipal district heating supply. Buys heat from transmission company. Heat sales: 1,500 TJ.
Phone +45 9936 4000 intego@intego.dk www.intego.dk
Phone +45 2532 6000 mab@viborg-fjernvarme.dk www.viborg-fjernvarme.dk
Phone +45 3998 0000 gentofte@gentofte.dk www.gentofte.dk
isoplus Denmark Preinsulated piping systems for district heating and cooling
SPX Flow Technology Supplier of plate heat exchangers, hybrid heat exchangers and solutions for district energy Phone +45 7027 8444 apv.emea.heat@spx.com www.apv.com
Wicotec Kirkebjerg Engineering and construction contractor
Geo Subsurface Energy Engineering
Phone +45 6441 6109 iso@isoplus.dk www.isoplus.dk
Phone +45 4422 0000 nfo@wk-as.dk www.wicoteckirkebjerg.dk
Phone +45 4588 4444 geo@geo.dk www.geo.dk
Kamstrup Supplier of energy meters & automatic meter reading systems for heat, cooling, water and gas Phone +45 8993 1000
SSM Denmark Supplier of steel stacks and exhaust solutions
Gottlieb Paludan Architects
Phone +45 4618 5051 info@steelchimney.com www.steelchimney.com
Phone +45 4171 8200 gp@gottliebpaludan.com www.gottliebpaludan.com
energi@kamstrup.dk www.kamstrup.com
Logstor Preinsulated transmission and distribution pipes Phone +45 9966 1000 logstor@logstor.com www.logstor.com
Sweco Consulting engineers and planners
Grundfos Pumps, controls and related equipment
Phone +45 4348 6060 info@Sweco.dk www.Sweco.com
Phone +45 8750 1400 grundfos@grundfos.com www.grundfos.com
Niras Consulting engineers and planners
Teldust Filters
HentechSolution ApS Mechanical seals
Phone +45 7572 5655 teldust@teldust.com www.teldust.com
Phone +45 6312 1581 niras@niras.dk www.niras.dk
Phone +45 4390 4720 huhnseal@huhnseal.dk www.huhnseal.dk
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