Hot|Cool NO.3/2016 - "Cooperation in the energy sector"


What makes district energy the enabler of renewables Common forms of renewables are:

When it comes to decarburization of the space heating and cooling sector, a special case can be seen in Sweden where the heat delivered by district heating was decarburized by 80% between 1980 and 2006. In reality this is very simple once district heating systems have been established as it is just a matter of connecting environmentally friendly heat sources to the distribution grid. As for district cooling it is a relatively newly applied solution but built on the vast experience acquired in the district heating field. A quick survey of existing district cooling schemes gives a clear indication on how promising the technology is. As a proof of how good district cooling is, the installed schemes typically grow extremely fast until the cooling market in the area has been saturated. Examples of successful district cooling systems in Europe can be found in Sweden, France and Finland. In Denmark, the country with one of the highest share of renewable energy in the energy system and very ambitious goals of almost 100% renewable energy system in the near future, district energy is considered as the backbone of the future fully renewable energy system. This is based on the fact that heat storages in combination with district heating provide the most efficient energy storage that can be achieved for compensating the fluctuating nature of renewable energy sources such as wind and solar.

• Solar • Wind • Geothermal • Biomass • Surplus heat from the industry • Free cooling

Typical challenges with renewable energy are: • It is intermittent • It is of low temperature nature • It is found at remote locations • It is expensive to develop • It is valuable resource for many processes

If the challenges when utilizing renewable energy sources are analyzed in combination with energy intensive locations, such as urban areas, interesting points can be derived.

DISTRICT HEATING AND COOLING ENERGY KNOW-HOW FROM MORE THAN 30 OFFICES WORLD-WIDE COWI has been working with energy for 40 years and has completed more than 2,000 energy projects. We aim to transfer state-of-the-art knowledge to different regions of the world and apply it in a local context.

Some of our services are: › Energy planning › District heating systems › Combined heat and power (CHP) › Cooling plants design and optimisation › Low-temperature district heating › Integrated energy systems

› Hydraulic analyses › Waste-to-Energy › SCADA systems › Geothermal heat plants › Solar heat

Contact Søren K. Christensen Technical Director, Energy

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