Remarks Concluding remarks are: • District energy is the perfect technology to achieve quick and permanent wins in the fight against climate change. • District energy is the only technology which allows grand utilization of renewable energy sources at feasible cost levels. • In combination with heat storages it opens up for larger penetration of fluctuating renewable power sources such as wind and solar. • District energy increases the flexibility and the efficiency of the entire energy infrastructure. You can’t say District Energy without saying LOGSTOR LOGSTOR is the leading global supplier and manufacturer of District Energy pipe systems
The benefits of heat storages are: • Enables use of seasonal renewable heat sources. • Reducing peak heating / cooling demand on the district energy networks. • Enable large scale heat pumps and electric boilers to produce heat in periods with low electricity prices. • Allows utilization of heat from intermittent industry processes.
Heat storages come in various sizes, from big tanks at power plants with 30,000 m3 to large pit storages of 200,000 m3.
For further information
please contact:
Danfoss Att.: Oddgeir Gudmundsson, Jan Eric Thorsen or Marek Brand Nordborgvej 81 DK-6430 Nordborg
og@danfoss.com jet@danfoss.com marek.brand@danfoss.com
References 1/ Connolly D, Mathiesen BV, Østergaard PA, Möller B, Nielsen S, Lund H, Persson U, Werner S, Grözinger J, Boermans T, Bosquet M, Trier D. Heat Roadmap Europe: Second pre-study. Aalborg University, Halmstad University, Ecofys Germany GmbH, PlanEnergi, and Euroheat & Power, 2013. 2/ Urban Persson, Cycle de Formation Énergie – Environnement, Séminaire 2012-2013, Université de Genève, 18th of April, 2013
Focused on lower energy consumption, lower operating costs and reducing CO 2 , LOGSTOR supplies District Energy networks that constitute a long-term investment and improves the infrastructure and the standard of living for people and communities. Our systems are known to have low total cost of ownership over a lifetime of more than 30 years.
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LOGSTOR A/S ∙ Danmarksvej 11 DK-9670 Løgstør ∙ Tlf: +45 9966 1000 logstor@logstor.com ∙ www.logstor.com
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