To some extent, existing meters can be retrofitted. However, due to the rapid development of new and innovative features in heat meters it might, in some cases, be more profitable to replace the old meters once a utility has physical access to them as the costs of planning and accessing a meter often exceed the cost of the meter itself. One of the results we see from this development is an increasing number of complete rollouts where utilities run a tender process for turn-key delivery including meters, communication infrastructure, meter data management software and sometimes even meter installation and operation as well. Metering as a service is often the fastest and – in the long run – most financially viable way to unlocking the full potential of intelligent metering. We are heading towards a very interesting and energy efficient future; a future where interconnected devices and software turn detailed information into valuable knowledge that supports the daily operation and decision making in heat utilities. It all starts today with smart metering and frequent data.
As the frequency of data increases, so does the added value it can create.
The future starts today Implementing a metering solution that supports an energy efficient heat supply is no longer neither complicated nor expensive compared to the benefits it produces. Today, most heat meters come with integrated communication either wired or wireless. Some manufactures offer a modular concept making it possible to update and change the meter’s communication module if necessary, without influencing the legal part of the meter. Furthermore, the newest generation of meter reading solutions has a strong focus on Plug and Play and an easy-to-use approach.
For further information please contact:
Kamstrup A/S Att.: Steen Schelle Jensen Industrivej 28, Stilling DK-8660 Skanderborg
Phone: +45 8993 1191 ssj@kamstrup.com
The Development of District Heating District heating is expanding wherever it is potentially possible at Vestegnen, the suburban area west of Copenhagen. Converting into district heating is a cheap, secure and environmental friendly alternative to natural gas and oil – with half the emission of CO 2 . But it can be even better: VEKS aims for a CO 2 -neutral heat supply by 2025.
VEKS is an environmentally certified heat-transmission company supplying 20 local district heating companies with heat generated at Vest- egnen. The heat supplied equals the consumption of 150,000 families. The majority of heat is supplied to VEKS from the Avedøre Power Plant and the other CHP plants in Copenhagen as well as from the waste incineration plants KARA/NOVEREN and Vestforbrænding. VEKS is a non-profit company. Further information: www.veks.dk
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