HOFOR Copenhagen Energy
Niras Consulting engineers and planners
Frederiksberg Forsyning Municipal district heating supply
Sweco Consulting engineers and planners
Phone +45 3395 3395 hofor@hofor.dk www.hofor.dk
Phone +45 6312 1581 niras@niras.dk www.niras.dk
Phone +45 3818 5100 ff@frb-forsyning.dk www.frb-forsyning.dk
Phone +45 4348 6060 info@Sweco.dk www.Sweco.com
Hydro-X Denmark’s international water treatment specialist within the utility sector
Næstved Varmeværk Municipal district heating supply. Waste 80%, gas 20%. Heat sales: 200,000 MwH. 5000 customers Phone +45 5575 3623
FW Rørteknik Stationary heat storage tanks - complete from design, construction, mounting, instrumentation to insulation and cladding Phone +45 7519 2277 fw@fw.dk www.fw.dk
Teldust Filters
Phone +45 9828 2111 info@hydro-x.dk www.hydro-x.dk
Phone +45 7572 5655 teldust@teldust.com www.teldust.com
info@naestved-varme.dk www.naestved-varme.dk
Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme Cooperative distributing DHC to citizens and companies in Hoeje-Taastrup municipality
OE3i Developing optimizing solutions for district heating, district cooling and CHPs
Gemina Termix Water heaters, substations for heating and DHW, domestic hot water systems
TVIS Heat transmission company of Denmark’s ”triangle area”
Phone +45 4355 3010 htf@htf.dk www.htf.dk
Phone +45 2120 7220 info@oe3i.dk www.oe3i.dk
Phone +45 9714 1444 mail@termix.dk www.termix.dk
Phone +45 7594 0711 tvis@tvis.net www.tvis.net
IFU Investment fund for developing countries
Rambøll Consulting engineers and planners
Gentofte Fjernvarme Municipal district heating supply. Buys heat from transmission company.
Unotransport Transportation
Heat sales: 1,500 TJ. Phone +45 3998 0000 gentofte@gentofte.dk www.gentofte.dk
Phone +45 3363 7500 ifu@ifu.dk www.ifu.dk
Phone +45 5161 1000 ramboll@ramboll.dk www.ramboll.com
Phone +45 7020 8011 uno@unotransport.com www.unotransport.dk
Intego Energy technology solutions
Ross Engineering Geothermal solutions for district heating
Geo Subsurface Energy Engineering
VEKS West Copenhagen Heating Transmission Company
Phone +45 9936 4000 intego@intego.dk www.intego.dk
Phone +45 3810 0919 mail@rossoffshore.dk www.rossoffshore.dk
Phone +45 4588 4444 geo@geo.dk www.geo.dk
Phone +45 4366 0366 veks@veks.dk www.veks.dk
isoplus Denmark Preinsulated piping systems for district heating and cooling
Schneider Electric Quality software for profitable operation of industriel plants and utilities Phone +45 45 900 700 dk.hso.sales@schneider-electric.com www.schneider-electric.com
Gottlieb Paludan Architects
Vestforbrænding Power and heat supply based on waste incineration
Phone +45 6441 6109 iso@isoplus.dk www.isoplus.dk
Phone +45 4171 8200 gp@gottliebpaludan.com www.gottliebpaludan.com
Phone +45 4485 7000 vestfor@vestfor.dk www.vestfor.dk
Kamstrup Supplier of energy meters & automatic meter reading systems for heat, cooling, water and gas Phone +45 8993 1000
SPX Flow Technology Supplier of plate heat exchangers, hybrid heat exchangers and solutions for district energy Phone +45 7027 8444 apv.emea.heat@spx.com www.apv.com
Grundfos Pumps, controls and related equipment
Viborg Fjernvarme Municipal district heating supply
Phone +45 8750 1400 grundfos@grundfos.com www.grundfos.com
Phone +45 2532 6000 mab@viborg-fjernvarme.dk www.viborg-fjernvarme.dk
energi@kamstrup.dk www.kamstrup.com
Logstor Preinsulated transmission and distribution pipes Phone +45 9966 1000 logstor@logstor.com www.logstor.com
SSM Denmark Supplier of steel stacks and exhaust solutions
HentechSolution ApS Mechanical seals
Wicotec Kirkebjerg Engineering and construction contractor
Phone +45 4618 5051 info@steelchimney.com www.steelchimney.com
Phone +45 4390 4720 huhnseal@huhnseal.dk www.huhnseal.dk
Phone +45 4422 0000 nfo@wk-as.dk www.wicoteckirkebjerg.dk
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