for him to connect and he should receive as much support as possible. Detailed information, an individual calculation of the economics, support with internal retrofitting and the hydraulic optimization should be at hand.
the dependency of a monopoly. Especially with fossil fuels the dependency on limited resources and few suppliers is much higher for owners of gas or oil boilers. Connected to a gas grid, the customer may choose the supplier, but he depends on the same few sources and the same price system. Connected to a district heating grid supplied with renewable energy sources, the safety of supply rises. A public ownership, either a local Stadtwerk (public utility) or a cooperative ensures that the focus is on a long term efficient way of operation.
For further information please contact:
KEA Klimaschutz- und Energieagentur Baden- Württemberg GmbH Att.: Volker Kienzeln Kaiserstraße 94a 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany
Telephone: 0 721 / 9 84 71 – 10 Fax 0 721 / 9 84 71 – 20 volker.kienzlen@kea-bw.de www.kea-bw.de
The economics of a heat supply via district heating is often reduced to the question, whether oil is cheaper compared to heat from the grid. This question is completely misleading, since it ignores the capital cost, the maintenance and the operation of the decentralized heat supply. These costs are included in the price of heat from the grid. In fact, economics are a very sensitive question. With the recent price level of oil below 50 $/ barrel, a short term calculation might be difficult. The long-term experience shows that this price level is probably not the average price for the next 20 years. Thus any calculation must assume a realistic energy price for the system’s lifetime. The price with a boiler - even with recent fuel prices - will be between 10 and 15 ct/kWh, depending on the buildings size and insulation level. With decreasing heat demand in the building the price per kWh rises, since the capital costs remain almost constant. This way to compare the price for heat is more complicated but correct and must be explained intensively to the homeowners. The high demand for capital and the long deduction time are as well barriers for district heating. On the other hand we observe extremely low interest rates and, at least in Germany, favorable funding schemes for district heating. For an economical district heating system, as many buildings as possible must receive heat from the grid. It is not easy to convince homeowners with a well working heat supply to connect to a grid. It must be easy
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