CONCLUSION The concept of DH has a great role to play in the future sustainable and renewable based energy system, but it has to develop. In the process of continuous energy efficiency improvements of existing DH systems, and going forward towards the transition to the 4th generation DH, it is important to focus on maintaining high temperature difference between the DH supply and return, in order to limit the additional investment in the distribution network and maximize the system efficiency. Further the preconditions for lowering the DH supply temperature is a low return temperature. Important components are the heat exchangers applied in the DH system, where the thermal length is essential.
For building substations, the technical specifications should already today include demands for longer thermal lengths of the heat exchangers. The recommendation should be typically a factor 2 compared to what is generally speci f ied today. A retrof it of the working heat exchangers only to get bonus of lower return temperature is not financially obvious in this case, however, the situation is different for new installations or when the heat exchanger should be replaced due to end of lifetime or poor performance due to scaling.
Download the recommendations (PDF) www.eurowater.com/dh
Water treatment and corrosion prevention
For further information please contact:
Danfoss A/S Att.: Jan Eric Thorsen Nordborgvej 81 DK-6430 Nordborg Phone +45 7488 2222
jet@danfoss.com www.danfoss.com
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