HOT|COOL NO. 2/2017 - "The Winter Package"


Fig. 8 and 9 - Standpipes made indoor. In the indoor factory, straight pipelines are manufactured with standpipes, designed so they match the exact position of the solar panels.

Conclusion In the preceding, the importance has been established of designing the pipe system according to the actual conditions it is subjected to in the daily operation during its entire service life - both as regards static design, but also as regards the choice of components. If this is done in circumspection, the conditions for achieving the expected service life of the system without operational disruptions are ensured.

Fig. 10 is an example of the difference in heat loss per year for different pipe solutions. The difference may be the insulation series, but also pipes with the property that its low heat loss remains unchanged during the service life of the system. This is the case with LOGSTOR ContiPipes with diffusion barrier between the PE casing and the foam, ensuring that the insulating gases in the foam do not diffuse out over time.

This helps ensuring the lowest possible total costs of a solar district heating system during the service life of the pipes.

Another factor with a heavy impact on the total costs during the service life of the system is the heat loss from the pre-insulated pipe system. To ensure the lowest total costs during the service life of the pipe system it is crucial that the insulation of the pipes is optimized and the pipe with the optimum insulating properties is chosen. The pipe system must be optimized, so the heat loss costs during the service life of the pipe system plus the investment in the pipe system are as low as possible. With LOGSTOR’s calculation tool ”Calculator” the total costs, including the heat loss, can be calculated for various solution scenarios and on this basis the best solution for the specific project can be chosen.

Fig. 10 - Comparison of the heat loss per year for different pipe solutions. Steel trad are traditionally foamed pipes without diffusion barrier. Steel conti are pipes with diffusion barrier.

For further information please contact:

LOGSTOR A/S Att.: Peter Jorsal Danmarksvej 11 9670 Løgstør Denmark

Phone: + 45 99661000

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