Herten, Germany There are two separate district heating grids in the municipality: North, supplied by a coal CHP and South, supplied by a waste incineration plant, that in total constitute about 20% of the municipal heat demand. Several distribution networks individually connected to the district heating transmission line exist. In the future, a solar thermal field with pit storage would allow the solar fraction of about 20% to be achieved at approximately 20 EUR/MWh levelized cost of heat. Sufficient agricultural land for this purpose is available. Moreover, connecting new buildings can keep the heat demand on a constant level up until 2050 even if heat savings are implemented. Future work will focus on analysing the business case, including alternative tariff schemes, for large scale heat pumps separately or in combination with solar thermal systems and storage.
Heat density of Herten
The Development of District Heating District heating is expanding wherever it is potentially possible at Vestegnen, the suburban area west of Copenhagen. Converting into district heating is a cheap, secure and environmental friendly alternative to natural gas and oil – with half the emission of CO 2 . But it can be even better: VEKS aims for a CO 2 -neutral heat supply by 2025.
VEKS is an environmentally certified heat-transmission company supplying 20 local district heating companies with heat generated at Vest- egnen. The heat supplied equals the consumption of 150,000 families. The majority of heat is supplied to VEKS from the Avedøre Power Plant and the other CHP plants in Copenhagen as well as from the waste incineration plants KARA/NOVEREN and Vestforbrænding. VEKS is a non-profit company. Further information: www.veks.dk
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