Digitization of industrial components To increase the impact of HEATman, efforts are included to digitize industrial components. It is a prerequisite of HEATman that the involved components are able be monitored, to communicate digitally and be controlled remotely. Currently the following components are enabled for the HEATman concept: 1) heating units by Danfoss 2) pumps provider DESMI 3) monitoring equipment by the district heating pipe producer LOGSTOR 4) an MPC controller under development at the Aarhus University Perspectivation The three district heating cases are adjusting their digital tools and hereby improving their abilities. In the same time, the existing communication and ICT solutions are evaluated and improved trough simplification, standardization and improvements. It will be the key performance indicator for the evaluation of the project, what improvements there will be harvested. TheDanishDistrictHeatingAssociationprovidesamethodology for screening the feasibility of new areas for district heating and extension areas for the sector. In this digital lookups in public databases and other digital methodologies will play a central role. For the long-term planning, the Technical University of Denmark aims at improving the software tool Balmorel and EMD International is refining their planning software, EnergyPro as a part of the HEATman project.
Together with the Danish District Heating Association and the other partners, NIRAS will lead the activities that evaluate the values of the HEATman concept and consider promotion to district heating plants on the international market. February 2022, we will finalize the project and our expectation is to have an open holistic integration platform for both the district heating and cooling sector, that simplifies the daily load for system operators decisively. The whole idea with HEATman is to develop an intelligent IT tool that secures energy savings for DHC companies and creates the possibility to deliver sustainable energy worldwide.
For further information please contact: AHR@niras.dk
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