HOT|COOL NO. 1/2017 - "System Integration"




More courses will be developed in the future The function of ECA will be to participate in the development of the educational processes, perform marketing, manage the practical matters and be the liaison between the users and the suppliers of knowledge. However, it is not the intention for ECA to accumulate professional knowledge within energy, climate and environmental matters. It is vital that ECA at any given time can cooperate with those, who are the leading institutions in the areas globally. Danish companies have a large and global export of technological and planning solutions, while our experience and knowledge not yet have been applied nor perceived as an asset within the area of competence development i.e. of training, development, and education.

The global status in energy and climate areas Globally we have observed increased attention to energy and climate matters. Most countries, regions and metropolitan areas are, regardless of level of economic development, seeking to strike a balance between economy, environmental and geopolitical matters. This tendency has an impact on both newly established, as well as established, energy- and climate businesses and organizations. In addition to this, the companies have to pay attention to efficient use of energy, green energy, sustainability, and resource optimization, in order to secure survival. Energy and Climate Academy The vision for the Energy and Climate Academy, ECA, is to function as an organization, which can lift the level of knowledge within energy, climate and environmental matters on a global scale. ECA aims at this by offering and market post-graduate and international education within the areas of energy and climate. This will be done in cooperation with Danish and international suppliers of knowledge at a professionally and academic high level. The courses a related to systems and will be product neutral. At this point we offer: • A course in District Heating / Cooling in cooperation with DBDH and leading companies • An executive management program in cooperation with MIT Sloan • Eight courses within wind energy • A course in Non-Revenue Water Systems • A course in understanding the Danish Energy Systems, in cooperation with

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