HOT|COOL NO. 1/2017 - "System Integration"


SILHORKO-EUROWATER was also chosen to help Energie Steiermark on their power plant in Graz, Austria, replacing their existing water treatment plant for producing make-up water. One of their main concerns was to avoid the use of chemicals, an area that SILHORKO-EUROWATER specializes in. By using a double pass RO (2 x 12 m3/h), MDU membrane degasser and EDI (2 Electrodeionization units) from SILHORKO-EUROWATER, ultrapure water of a very high quality is now being produced. A final example comes from one of the first state-of-the-art large Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Plants with a generation capacity of 400 MVe and 240 MWt, located in Stalowa Wola. It contributes to Poland’s drive to reduce reliance on use of coal for power generation. The water treatment plant is designed and built to supply make-up water for high-pressure boilers as well as feed water for the district heating network. The company has high ambitions for further growth, initially by further strengthening sales and service organisations in existing markets, and afterwards, through expansion into new geographic areas. For these intentions the membership of DBDH comes in handy, both because members are provided with an opportunity to meet foreign VIPs within the industry, as Jørn Urup Nielsen explains, but also because “networks and relationships are created within DBDH, and these might be utilized in other contexts which certainly can benefit all parties”.

In Aalborg, Denmark, the company has designed and supplied a new plant for producing make-up water for the district heating grid. The plant is a vital part of Aalborg District Heating Company’s maintenance plant, allowing the main make-up production facility at another location to shut down on a regular basis for maintenance. The plant consists of an UPCORE softening unit and a reverse osmosis (RO) unit. The RO unit is a RO-PLUS unit, optimized for high water recovery and low energy consumption in order to minimize operational costs. RO-PLUS units are designed for a recovery rate up to 90% or more, compromising neither the reliability nor the water quality. Flow rate for installation 25 m3/h. SILHORKO-EUROWATER was selected as a supplier because the solution could provide the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO) over a period of 15 years.

DISTRICT HEATING AND COOLING ENERGY KNOW-HOW FROM MORE THAN 30 OFFICES WORLD-WIDE COWI has been working with energy for 40 years and has completed more than 2,000 energy projects. We aim to transfer state-of-the-art knowledge to different regions of the world and apply it in a local context.

Some of our services are: › Energy planning › District heating systems › Combined heat and power (CHP) › Cooling plants design and optimisation › Low-temperature district heating › Integrated energy systems

› Hydraulic analyses › Waste-to-Energy › SCADA systems › Geothermal heat plants › Solar heat

Contact Søren K. Christensen Technical Director, Energy

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