By Michael Søndergaard, CEO of Pernexus
The work portal is today a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform, where many of the different parties that make up a construction project come together and work through the same shared procedures and data. The portal ensures that all participants have the same drawings, work specifications, budgets, contract information etc. The parties can also invoice each other through the portal and fulfill the public standards for electronic commerce and case management. The portal can be used by the contractor delivering excavation work to utilities and may itself use sub-contractors for parts of the work. Another example could be a consulting engineering company that manages projects on behalf of clients. Estimates, project plans and tenders are instantly shared with all relevant parties. Everything is done using the portal – you only need internet access and an account to get started. ASSET MANAGEMENT IN THE CLOUD An RFID (radio-frequency identification) license plate is mounted on all components, either during production or at a central warehouse. When ordering online, the customer will receive an order number and a unique item number on the ordered components. The customer receives an electronic delivery note, in which each component with its own unique RFID number plate and the technical specifications, is coupled to the order. When the components arrive at the construction site, the handheld RFID reader will scan all the RFID number plates easily, and the delivery notes are automatically updated via the construction manager's smartphone. The construction manager does not have to press any key on his smartphone. Organizing all the stakeholders in an orderly fashion allows one link to supply the next link in the chain, with information in exactly the right format and at the right time. The work portal organizes and manages information flows in the supply chain from the beginning to the end. John C. Olsen, Project Manager for heating and cooling in Copenhagen, has worked for HOFOR (Copenhagen Energy) for the past eleven years and was one of the first users of Entrepriseportalen. “I am extremely satisfied with the system that I use on a daily basis to manage our suppliers and contractors. The system allows us to work in different digital areas, allowing for transparency of the individual projects for all participants – including all data that has been uploaded by suppliers and contractors. All in all, a very valuable system that ensures that nothing slips through the cracks”, says John C. Olsen, who also uses the system to plan new projects.
A new internet-based tool can integrate with almost all devices – smartphones, laptops, and tablets and can, with a single touch, create transparency in the supply chain industry workflow. A lot of companies, people, figures and facts are involved in projects by utility companies – making it difficult to keep an overview of the entire process. HOFOR (former Københavns Energi known as Copenhagen Energy) needed to solve this problem, which led to the idea to build “Entrepriseportalen”, a work portal collecting all data in the supply chain. There soon proved to be a huge demand in the market for a system like this. The goal for the portal was to develop a single and extremely user-friendly system for the industry of utility companies – in cooperation with the utility companies themselves. Clients have different needs, but the fundamentals of the system are the same.
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