“Today, it is difficult to imagine starting a new project without the portal, which holds all the data. It gives us insight into the budget of a project, and how much and what kind of material our suppliers are using, creating value in the decision- making process. It also allows us to go back and see what has previously been agreed upon and, in that sense, it can reduce potential claims that are not beneficial to any of the parties in any industries”, says John C. Olsen. Today the work portal is not only used for heating and cooling – it has spread into other areas in HOFOR – such as water and drainages.
READY FOR THE FUTURE What is important for such a system is that it is not only focused on the process right now and secures that the project is running in a structured, precise and transparent way. The system can also be very useful later on as drawings, figures and facts are kept in there. Imagine a failure that occurs on a pipeline a couple of years after a project has been completed. In that situation, you can easily pinpoint the problem and reduce the cost and time spent.
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isoplus Piping Systems is a leading manufacturer within pre-insulated piping systems with low heat loss for district heating and cooling. Low heat loss guarantees low running costs throughout the entire service life of your pipe network. The environment also benefits from reduced CO 2 emissions. Innovation and quality are keys in both our products and the service we provide, which spans from project optimiza- tion, pipe drawings and plans for leak detection to the training of joint fitters and supervisors. With 9 factories we provide the widest range of products and components in the industry; and for more than 30 years. Our steel and flexible pipe systems are delivered in accordance with the norms and demands of the industry and we have considerable expertise in meeting interna- tional as well as national standards.
Michael Søndergaard, mes@pernexus.dk
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isoplus Piping Systems Korsholm Alle 20 DK-5500 Middelfart Tel.: +45 64 41 61 09 Email: iso@isoplus.dk
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