By Britta Kleinertz, Dr. Götz Brüh and Dr. Serafin von Roon, "Forschungsgesellschaft für Energiewirtschaft mbH"
Renewable heat sources underlie various constraints; hence, their interconnection is crucial for an efficient and low emission heat supply. In the so-called Heat-Dispatch- Centre, various heat generation and storage units are smartly interconnected. With the system a primary energy factor of 0.09 and a specific CO2 emission factor of 27 gCO2/kWhth can be reached, while the heat generation cost lies at about 12 €ct/kWh. INTRODUCTION – FUTURE ENERGY SUPPLY AND LIMITATIONS OF RENEWABLE HEAT SOURCES For the transition of the energy supply towards a low emission system, the provision of heat from waste heat and renewable energies is as measure with main importance. Especially in cities, due to limitations in free space and relatively high heat demand density, district heating networks based on low- emission heat sources are expected to cover the demand more cost-efficiently than decentralized solutions. Relevant renewable heating sources include solar thermal, geothermal and biomass energy. Another relevant energy source is electricity from renewable energies. However, market available
renewable heat sources underlie various constraints regarding e.g. availability, target temperatures and costs, which makes an interconnection of several heat sources essential. In this research, the focus is on an efficient integration of renewable heat supply technologies in a Heat-Dispatch- Centre. The concept was investigated within a feasibility study on the transformation of an existing into a fourth generation district heating network.
AWARD WINNER FROM THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE ON SMART ENERGY SYSTEMS AND 4TH GENERATION DISTRICT HEATING By Poul Alberg Østergaard, Professor in energy planning, Aalborg University The annual conference on smart energy systems and 4th generation district heating, which has been alternating between Aalborg and Copenhagen since 2015, has turned out to be one of the main venues for discussing innovative district heating systems from perspectives, ranging from
grid analyses via system integration with smart energy systems to policy and economic framework conditions. The 2018 conference was no exception to this with 325 participants from 25 countries. Through sponsor contributions from one of the main energy technology providers Danfoss and the metering solutions provider Kamstrup, the conference is able to bestow special honour on two of the many presentations. This year, the Kamstrup and Danfoss awards went to Britta Kleinertz from the FfE Research Center for Energy Economics in Germany and Benedetto Nastasi from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands. Britta Kleinertz addresses in her research, a so-called Heat-Dispatch-Centre allows the interconnection of multiple heat sources, which deliver thermal energy at different temperature levels. In the case study, also consumers with different temperature requirements are included.
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