DE Valves can, additionally, claim to have Kv-values among the best in class due to their optimized flow-design, which includes a ball liner as well as conical in- and outlet leading to turbulence and pressure drop over the valves being minimized. Besides reducing operating costs on pumps and providing savings in the entire lifetime of the system, the CO2 emission is likewise being reduced – year after year. DE Valves’ production is 100% Danish-owned and one of the reasons behind their ability to be unique in supplying customized products at high speed is their relatively small production and their choice to compete on having products of very high quality. Although they do supply standardized valves, their focus is on the unique product.
Though the company is often without knowledge of where their valves end up, due to being a subcontractor with few end- customers, they do know about a project in Austria regarding an 11 km long transmission line DN400, to which DE Valves last year delivered many valves. Regarding larger projects, DE Valves is also active in the Middle East, where they are specifically interested in district cooling. For the projects in this area, it once again proves advantageous that DE Valves can meet the more special and customer specific demands.
DISTRICT HEATING AND COOLING ENERGY KNOW-HOW FROM MORE THAN 30 OFFICES WORLD-WIDE COWI has been working with energy for 40 years and has completed more than 2,000 energy projects. We aim to transfer state-of-the-art knowledge to different regions of the world and apply it in a local context.
Some of our services are: › Energy planning › District heating systems › Combined heat and power (CHP) › Cooling plants design and optimisation › Low-temperature district heating › Integrated energy systems
› Hydraulic analyses › Waste-to-Energy › SCADA systems › Geothermal heat plants › Solar heat
Contact Søren K. Christensen Technical Director, Energy skc@cowi.com
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