HOT|COOL NO. 2/2019 - "Smart Heating System Integration"



AET has supplied semi-turnkey/turnkey plants with high overall efficiencies and land marking high availability all over Europe. At the time when our UK reference, Western Wood Energy Plant, was commissioned and for the next 5 years, when public data was available for all plants in UK, the plant had the overall best availability.

Aalborg Energie Technik a/s (AET) is a leading, independent engineering and contracting company supplying biomass-fired boiler plants, power plants and combined heat and power plants in the size range of 25 to 170 MWt. The business comprises design, engineering, delivery and service of plants fired with all forms of biomass. The well-proven AET Biomass Boiler and AET Combustion System are based on more than 30 years of hands-on experience with industrial processes, steam generation and biomass combustion. The company has a recognised reputation for supplying biomass- fired boilers and plants with exceptionally high efficiencies, high availabilities, high fuel flexibility and low emissions. Moreover, with very low maintenance costs, the AET biomass-fired plants ensure you, as an investor, a viable business case. AET began in 1996 and focused on Germany. After this came Austria, United Kingdom, France etc., and today the company covers all of Europe. Zignago Power (IT) is a good example of a high-performing cogeneration plant, supplying district heating to the nearby villages. After the multi-fuel-fired and highly efficient 49 MWt biomass boiler (93%), a tailend heat exchanger cools the flue gas from 130 o C to 100 o C and thereby supplies extra district heating to the network. In France, AET has supplied several biomassfired boilers with high efficiency (93 – 94 %) and with an exceptional low inhouse consumption: 1.6 – 1.8% of the fuel heat input. As coal is being phased out in Europe, fuel conversion from coal to biomass becomes increasingly relevant. Already in 2008/2009, the district heating company Verdo in Randers decided to convert their 2 x 95 MWt boilers. AET made it possible to have the same steam output on biomass, as on coal, and thereby kept the full capacity for the citizens in Randers (DK). The biomass consists of clean wood and waste collected from the local industries.

Graphics illustration of Akuo Energy – CBN, Novillars in France. AET has built the plant and will operate the plant for 17 years.

AET has supplied numerous plants all over Europe, fired with all types of biomass; • Forestry sector: e.g. forestry wood, tree cuts, brash, trimmings, residues from sawmill and maintenance from gardens • Agricultural sector – residuals: e.g. wheat straw, barley straw, maize straw, grain from maize, fruit stones, nut shells and vineyard residues • Agricultural sector – dedicated: e.g. miscanthus, sorghum, thistle, poplar and willow • Industrial waste: waste wood, dust, sawmill residues, chicken litter, meat and bone meal, olive stones, shea nuts sunflower residues New emission regulations are being implemented in Europe, and these will impose new and lower emission limits on the energy plants. AET is focused on optimising the primary means (like combustion control and optimisation), but we can also supply emission reduction systems, like the AET SNCR DeNOx System.

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