By Hasmik Margaryan, Engineer, Taarnby district heating and cooling company; Anders Dyrelund, Senior Market Manager, Ramboll, Troels Hansen, Energy Engineer, Ramboll
Taarnby Forsyning, TF, is a municipality-owned public utility company that takes care of the municipal services: water, waste water, district heating and the newest addition of district cooling. TF exists for the benefit of residents and companies in the municipality and now also includes companies that have a cooling demand. In 2019, TF is going to establish one of the most spectacular energy plants integrating the energy system and waste water. The project demonstrates the symbiosis between district heating, district cooling, electricity, waste water and ground water for smart integration of fluctuating renewable energy like wind energy. In 1980, the utility’s, only activities concerned water and waste water, and all heating was based on individual oil boilers in the municipality of Taarnby, a suburb of Copenhagen with a population of 43,000. Encouraged by the national energy policy, TF established a new business for district heating, and the municipality took part in the formation of the district heating transmission company CTR, with the purpose of establishing district heating based on CHP and residential waste in a cost-effective way. At the same time, the municipality joined the new regional gas company. In the heat planning process, the district heating and the natural gas infrastructure competed, and the heat market was divided between district heating and gas in a cost-effective way. Thus, since 1985, this new district heating unit has supplied around 60% of the heat demand to mainly large buildings in the municipality, including Copenhagen Airport, based on efficient low carbon heat from CTR. CTR is one of the two transmission companies in the Greater Copenhagen district heating system, which owns and operates the heat transmission system and optimises the heat production from the most cost-effective plants available, including biomass CHP plants with large heat storage tanks, waste incineration CHP plants and peak load boiler plants. This district heating system is a landmark for smart integration of the energy system, including electricity, waste, district heating and natural gas. KARA/NOVEREN
Copenhagen Airport
Figure 1: Map of Greater Copenhagen district heating and Taarnby municipality
Based on a screening of the potential for district cooling in Taarnby along with a business plan, TF decided that it was feasible to establish the new district cooling business unit. The new unit will service the new urban development area north of the airport. The business plan showed that it would be profitable to establish traditional district cooling based on central electric chillers and a chilled water storage tank compared to local individual building level chillers. The business plan also proved that the profitability would become even better by installing a large-scale electric heat pump in combination with ground source cooling, Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES), instead of traditional chillers, benefitting from the symbiosis between district heating and district cooling through co-production of heating and cooling. 10 km The cooling demand is mainly present in the summer; thus, the heat production in winter is limited unless another heat source is identified. The waste water turned out to be very profitable in terms of using the surplus cooling capacity of the heat pump to cool the waste water and thereby generate heat. There was a good match between the capacity of the heat pump, designed for cooling, and the potential of heat capacity using the waste water as heat source. Waste-to-ene gy plant District cooling plant CHP station Peak load plant Transmission pipeline CTR + HOFOR VEKS Vestforbrænding Other Heat supply areas:
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