The project in Rouen will be the largest of its kind to date. The procurement and construction are going on according to the project time schedule, and the plant will be put into operation in 2020. CHP PLANT IN DANISH TOWNS SINDAL AND SORØ Our latest biomass plant was the CHP plant in Sindal, which is now celebrating one year of operation. The Sindal plant was a first-of-a-kind plant that combined updraft gasification with ORC turbines. Now - after one year of operation – it can be concluded that the plant has reached the targets that were set: Stable operation on various types of woody fuels, High load conditions: 5 MW heating and 1 MW of power and low load conditions: 1 MW of heating. And the emissions are extremely low in all operation modes: CO = 0 mg/Nm3 , NO= 150 mg/Nm3 and dust = 10 mg/Nm3.
At the time of writing this article (November 2019), a new CHP contract for the town of Sorø has just been won.
The plant will be built during 2020 and commissioned in 2021.
The energy companies, both in Denmark and in France, have really seen the advantages of low-emission & low-maintenance biomass technology.
The Sorø plant will be similar to the Sindal plant, but with two important modifications: • The size of the plant will be 12 MW which is double the size of Sindal. • The plant will run 100 % on garden waste.
For further information please contact: Jens Dall, jdb@dallenergy.com
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