HOT|COOL NO. 4/2019 - "Components"


By Christer Frennfelt, Business Development Manager, Consultant & Utility, SWEP

The cooperation between two local energy providers demonstrates the ingenuity by which heat production can be made more efficient and climate-friendly while expanding the area of supply. Cost-effectiveness, high efficiency and a small footprint in terms of environmental impact have all been vital elements in the decision-making at waste incineration plant Vestforbraending. The plant, located at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), has been connected to the regional district heating system that serves the capital city. Much of the heat supply for the plant is provided by Vestforbraending, the largest waste management company in Denmark and the biggest producer of district heating based on waste incineration in Northern Europe.

a heat exchanger station, a transmission line into the plant, enabling the associated pump system to exchange heat via an accumulation tank. This innovative arrangement enables the two companies to sell surplus heat to one another. GREAT FLEXIBILITY SWEP, manufacturer of brazed plate heat exchangers (BPHEs), has been closely involved in the project and has provided eight fully loaded B649 BPHE units in parallel design, meaning four lines with 2 x B649 in series with the maximum number of plates as shown in the illustration below.

SWEP is closely involved in a major regional district heating system for the Lyngby CHP Plant in Copenhagen.

Handling waste for around 900,000 citizens and 60,000 enterprises, Vestforbraending is owned by 19 local authorities who are, in turn, its customers. All of them are offered solutions for the collection and processing of waste, as well as the supply of district heating and electricity. Any waste material that cannot be reused is incinerated at high temperatures in giant ovens. The smoke from these ovens is so hot that it can be used to generate electricity and district heating. Of the energy produced at the Vestforbraending CHP plant, 20% becomes power, while 80% is used for district heating. This initiative came about with Vestforbraending needing to increase its capacity to serve the planned expansion of the local district heating area. The expansion was not only due to urban development but also to the success and development of the DTU campus. To achieve this, Vestforbraending needed a facility for handling peak and reserve load in the area, where it was not possible to find space to build new facilities. A creative approach was needed and towards the end of 2017, Vestforbraending agreed to lease an area at Lyngby CHP Plant with a view to establishing

Vestforbraending chose eight fully loaded B649 exchanger units, built up in series with the maximum number of plates – and a full load capacity of up to 51 MW.

Normally the units run with 1-2 lines in operation, but the system can take a full load of up to 51 MW using all four lines. The units transfer heat from Vestforbraending to Lyngby CHP Plant for distribution, via the storage tank, into the DTU campus and the areas of urban development. It is also possible to run the system in reverse mode, meaning that Lyngby CHP Plant is able to sell surplus energy back to Vestforbraending. The system will be able to operate at full load by the end of 2019.


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