Today, about half of the 1.4 million people living in Ulaanbaatar heat their homes with DH; what happens in the other half of the city is part of the problem the project is seeking to address. Over the last decade, the City has experienced unprecedented population growth due to high levels of migration from the rural areas of the country. A significant number of new high-rise buildings and construction sites is easily noted but more significant in respect of air quality is the extensive “ger” areas that surround the City. ”Ger” is the Mongolian word for the traditional tent used by nomadic herdsmen for centuries on the vast countryside; in English it is commonly referred to as a “yurt”. The ger areas surrounding Ulaanbaatar are a mixture of informal housing including small wooden huts, brick and concrete buildings and traditional gers. The ger areas lack municipal infrastructure such as DH, water and sewerage and waste collection. Here, residents heat their homes and cook by burning coal, wood or waste in stoves and simple boilers with no filtration or pollution control. These ger areas are the source of the vast majority of air pollution; alongside other sources such as vehicles and industry. When the temperature drops, the air quality index is dangerously high. Smog blankets the city, and residents can be seen wearing pollution masks throughout the winter months. Geography makes matters worse. Ulaanbaatar is in a valley, and temperature inversions have the effect of trapping pollution.
Chemical free make-up water www.eurowater.com/dh
Water treatment is asset management
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The Danish District Heating Association’s official water treatment recommendations www.eurowater.com/dh
Introduction to water treatment for district heating and power plants (download PDF). www.eurowater.com/dh-download
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