The Mongolian climate poses some obvious challenges to the energy system, but it also offers promising renewable based opportunities. With over 250 days of sunshine a year and ample wind supply, solar thermal and heat pumps (based on a greener electricity supply) deserve further investigation. To address the above and accelerate the introduction of low or zero carbon heat sources, EBRD has launched a follow-on study and capacity building programme. It will assess the potential and provide detailed costs on the most promising renewable and waste heat sources, identify barriers and propose measures on how to ensure that the district heating system now being extended, will in future be supplied with an increasing share of low carbon energy. One of the specific barriers to be addressed in Ulaanbaatar – and many other cities in the world – is the relatively high operating temperature of the system. The findings from this work will be available in mid-2020. SEEING IS BELIEVING Feasibility work also included a best-practice technical study tour to Denmark for the key Mongolian stakeholders. The delegation visited Danfoss to learn about substation and control technology, Kamstrup for remotely read heat metering, and the DH systems Sønderborg Fjernvarme and AffaldVarme Aarhus to see first-hand systems that utilise multiple low carbon heat sources.
The Mongolian delegation inspected the solar thermal heating plant at Vollererup / Sønderborg, Denmark, March 2019, Photo Andrew T. Christensen, COWI
These systems illustrate that in a modern DH system multiple energy sources are used, and heat supply is prioritised every hour of the day, with the objective of utilising the cleanest and cheapest source.
Frese IoT Solutions Remote Flow Control as a Service
3 Would you like to be able to restrict or interrupt the flow in individual customers’ heating installation? 3 Would you like to optimize the operation of your district heating network? 3 Would you like to monitor pressure and temperature in individual customers’ heating installation? 3 Would you like to receive an alert in case of an abnormal operating condition? If the answer is ”Yes” to one of these questions, you should take a closer look at Frese IoT Solutions . Frese IoT Solutions are battery-powered and wireless IoT-based valve solutions, which help you operate your heating application in new and intelligent ways. Easy installation, deployment and operation through smartphone or tablet. Frese FLOWCLOUD® gives you complete access to all your Frese IoT solutions with a simple and intuitive dashboard. It also allows you to operate the specific valves if needed.
For further information, please contact: Martin Overbjerg · Business Development Manager, District Energy T: +45 21 48 98 22 · M: mov@frese.dk
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