HOT|COOL NO.1/2021 - "Fuel, Flexibility & Green Transition"

Best practice Vienna With about 1.7 million inhabitants Vienna is the largest city in Austria. More than 30 % of its buildings are supplied with DH. Its supply mix is dominated by gas CHP (52 %), waste incineration (21 %) and waste heat (18 %), while boilers, ambient heat and biomass account for the remaining 9 % 9 . A study on the decarbonization of Vienna’s Energy system 10 showed the most important measures related to DH are the integration of deep geothermal energy and large-scale heat pumps. Renewable fuels are expected only to cover peak loads on cold winter days. For a coordinated decarbonization effort, an energy planning concept considering urban and spatial planning has been implemented 11 . Here, a focus is put on the use of digital information models 12 .

Figure 2: District heating in Vienna, development by 2022 13

The largest heat pump in central Europe Early on, Wien Energie invested in large scale power-to-heat projects, e.g., two electrode boilers with a capacity of 10 MW each have been installed in 2017 14 . Further on, since 2019, the largest heat pump in central Europe has been operating in Vienna, supplying about 25,000 households with heat. Cooling water from power plants in Simmering is used as heat source. The HP has a thermal output from 27.2 to approx. 40 MW and a temperature lift from 6 to 95 degrees Celsius 15 . A very recent project is related to the utilization of waste heat from cooling processes from the large office buildings of UNO City 16 . Options like flue gas condensation from waste incineration are currently investigated 17 .

Waste heat in the focus As one of the most important sources for heat pumps, waste heat is in the focus of investigations in Vienna. In 2017, the cities energy planning department published a map of waste heat potentials in Vienna 18 , based on a methodology described in a Blue Globe Report 19 . This effort is continued in the project Spatial Energy Planning 20 .

Figure 3: waste heat potential distribution in Vienna from the most relevant industry sectors 21

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