HOT|COOL NO.1/2021 - "Fuel, Flexibility & Green Transition"

District heating and cooling (DHC) benefits energy security, the economy, and the environment. It is one of the most effective means to implement renewable energy, utilize surplus heat, and benefit from heat and power coupling. But, as you could read in the last issue of Hot Cool, the DHC potential remains mostly unexploited globally. Only 8% of energy consumption in DHC networks is renewable energy today - as illustrated on the cover of this magazine!

It is too bad! We can do better! There are opportunities in almost any country to improve the RE seriously.

In this issue of Hot Cool, you can read about how utilities in Asia, Andorra, Austria, Denmark, and Scotland deployed new DHC infrastructure, improved the energy efficiency, and integrated higher shares of renewables into existing networks. DBDH publishes Hot Cool, but the main business is helping cities or regions in their green transition. We help you find specific answers for a sustainable district heating solution or integrate green technology into an existing district heating system. Any city, or utility in theworld, cancall DBDHandfindhelp for agreendistrict heating solution suitable for their city. A similar system is often operating in Denmark, being the most advanced district heating country in the world. DBDH then organizes visits to Danish reference utilities or expert delegations from Denmark to the city. For real or virtually in webinars or in digital meetings.

DBDH is a non-profit organization - so guidance by DBDH is free of charge. Just call us.

We'll love to help you district energize your city!

Lars Hummelmose Managing Director, DBDH +45 2990 0080

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