When planning for the future!
By: Steen Westring, Operations Manager, Albertslund Fjernvarme
Back in 2009, when the COP15 (United Nations Climate Change Conference) in Copenhagen was planned, the top management and the political majority of Albertslund Municipality decided on an ambitious climate goal: By 2025, we will have fossil-free electricity and heat supply in Albertslund! At Albertslund Supply/District Heating Company (ADHC), we felt it was a bit crazy. Albertslund had no direct control over the fuel mix of the electricity delivered to Albertslund - but as a partner of the Greater Copenhagen District Heating Network, we could influence the decisions about the fuel mix when producing DH. We started planning for the future ….
In 2015 a new DH strategy supporting the “Fossil Free Vision for Albertslund Municipality” began full power. The politicians confirmed the 2025 goal of a fossil-free DH supply in Albertslund and accepted a plan for low-temperature DH (LTDH) in the municipality. “We believed in the idea. However, the reality meant convincing the building owners, used to 100 degrees DH in the wintertime, to make extensive changes.”
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