By: Hasmik Margaryan, Civil Engineer, Taarnby Forsyning Anders Dyrelund, Senior Market Manager, Ramboll Anders Carøe, Engineer, Ramboll Antoni Trumulis, Senior Consultant, Ramboll
Taarnby Forsyning, the public utility in Taarnby Municipality, a suburb of Copenhagen, DK, has, despite many obstacles, established a remarkable district heating and cooling system in the new Kastrup Business District, north of Copenhagen Airport. By integrating all sectors for the urban infrastructure in the city district - in this case, public transport, district heating (DH), district cooling (DC), electricity, wastewater, groundwater, and not least buildings - it has been possible to develop a smart and sustainable business district and offer all buildings in the business district sustainable, cost-effective and environmentally friendly heating and cooling. The DH is part of the efficient Greater Copenhagen District Heating System - and Taarnby Municipality is co-owner of the heat transmission company CTR. Cost-effective, low carbon heat from waste and biomass-fueled combined heat and power plants (CHP) is transmitted to the DH distribution networks. Taarnby Forsyning has since 1985 distributed heat fromCTR to most of the municipality to the benefit of the heat consumers in Taarnby. They are now going to distribute heat to all buildings in the Kastrup Business District. The first screening of the DC potential in the business district indicated that all the commercial buildings would have a significant demand for cooling capacity and that DC would be cost-effective and efficient. That is entirely according to the EU directives for EE, RES, and Buildings and the objectives of the Danish Heat Supply Act. However, it was almost impossible to get started due to legal barriers and regulations. Although it is profitable for the society and the DH consumers to establish DC to new consumers and produce the cooling in combination with DH, there were several barriers in the Heat Supply Act, which was supposed to protect the heat consumers. Moreover, the building code discriminates DH and DC compared to less cost-effective building-level solutions by defining normative energy factors, which do not reflect cost-effectiveness or sustainability and contradict EU directives. Smart cost-effective district cooling in Taarnby Sector integration – the key to cost effective projects
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