HOT|COOL NO.2/2021 - "Economics, Finance & Money"

Governance of the innovation plan The budget of the Innovation Plan WarmingUP is € 19 million, of which 50% is funded by the Dutch Energy Agency RVO via theMission-drivenMulti-annual Innovation Program (MMIP) of the Top Consortiumof Knowledge and Innovation in the Built Environment (TKI Urban Energy).

About 200 experts are working on one or several projects within the six themes. To execute this innovation plan effectively, a governance structure with senior managers and groups of senior experts is in place next to the standard project management.



Transport & distribution


Smart heating grids and (technical) sysyem integration Theme 1

Aqua Thermal energy Theme 3

Installation methods of heating grids - Theme 2

Geothermal energy Theme 4

Surface heat storage Theme 5

Socio-economic and social integration Theme 6

The innovation plan is built in six coherent themes.

• First part of a measurement campaign to predict the reduction of the supply temperature. The lower the temperature, the lower the costs of heat supply. • A web viewer on aqua thermal energy. With this viewer, it is easy to identify how much heat from aqua thermal energy can be gained, in what locations, and at what costs it can be supplied. A first spin-off is that the calculations of the aqua thermal potentials have been included in the models of the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. • Unlocking a larger volume of geothermal resources now is possible thanks to the development of a map of shallow geothermal reservoirs suitable for low temperature production (Brussel’s Sand). • An inventory of high temperature heat storage capabilities, including feasibility studies on technical, economic, spatial planning and legal aspects. Based on these analyses a selection has beenmade of three pilots for testing large high- temperature heat storage systems, combining geothermal system development in shallow and marginal reservoirs. • Insights through market research into the factors that determine residents' support for the transition from heating withnatural gas – about 95%of thehouses inTheNetherlands – towards a connection to a district heating network. The report also provides guidelines on how municipalities or heat suppliers could deal with this. • Analysis of various archetypes of cooperation between DH companies, municipalities, and citizens' collectives from initiative to realizing a DH network. • Overview of the most promising possibilities for demand- side management in DH networks, including the result of market research to the willingness of residents to participate and the financial benefits for heat suppliers.

The goals of WarmingUP are derived from the challenges, i.e., upscaling, applying renewable heat, and cost reduction. More specifically, the goals are: • Innovation and cost reduction of heating grids: - Design heating grids and system integration; - Large-scale and cost-effective installation of heating grids; • Unlocking the technical potential of sustainable heat sources, reduction of costs and risks, and optimisation: - Aqua thermal energy; - Geothermal energy; - Subsurface high-temperature heat storage; • Implementation with care and public support: - Socio-economic and societal integration of collective heating systems in the built environment. First results at a glance WarmingUP delivers a diverse pallet of results. This includes technical results, e.g. a design tool for district heating using multiple sources and managing different temperature levels, and new construction methods for heat pipe. Next to these a number of non-technical results will be delivered, e.g., standardization of (cost) indicators, financial and cooperation arrangements, analyses on the changing roles in the heat chain, behavioural analyses and also takes up new bottlenecks and R&D questions in innovation agendas. A snapshot of the first results: • The alfa2-release of the WarmingUP Design Toolkit is tested by engineers of DH companies and grid operators as well as by technical experts of consultancies. This toolkit is developed for the design and daily operation of future-proof DH systems, e.g., involving low and medium temperature heat sources, and large-scale heat storage. This should save more than 25% in operational costs and create more flexibility in the design of heating grids.

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