HOT|COOL NO.2/2021 - "Economics, Finance & Money"

Sustainability. It’s in our DNA and in all our products and processes.

We provide smart and sustainable district heating pipe systems which ultimately lead to the lowest Total Cost of Ownership

We are much more than pipes. We offer: · Lowest possible heat loss leading to lowest possible CO 2 emissions · Stable insulation properties during life time on our premium pipe systems · Total Cost of Ownership tool ensuring optimal choice of pipe system · Active surveillance system essential for securing the assets and reaching the expected life time · Use of recycled materials for the benefit of the environment · Education of designers, joint installers and supervisors by LOGSTOR Academy

Our sustainable energy-efficient pipe systems with the very best insulation properties will ensure that only a minimum of produced energy goes to waste when transported over long distances. We invite companies with green ambitions to join us on our journey towards creating energy efficient and sustainable district heating for the benefit of future generations.

For further information, contact our Product & Academy Manager

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