HOT|COOL NO. 2/2020 - "Decarbonizing"

120TWh additional annual primary energy savings*

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120TWh additional annual primary energy savings*









Decarbonized, sustainable and resilient District Heating with Danfoss Enspire® and Energis® *A new report from Aalborg University, Denmark, outlines the directions and solutions towards further decarbonizing of the European heating and cooling sector by 2050. A key takeaway form the report shows us that a modern 4th generation low-temperature district heating will signicantly increase energy eciency and could lead to 120TWh additional annual primary energy savings. Ahead of the technical challenges linked to the constant expansion of the heating networks as well as the new EU legislation, the District Heating utilities need new tools and software to plan projects and optimize costs. Danfoss Enspire® is our new and improved SCADA solution which helps you to achieve more control of the district energy system with less eort. While with Danfoss Energis® you can better plan, control and optimize existing and future district heating networks. Those two advanced software from Danfoss allows you to have an improved and sustainable network operation as well as stable energy distribution. Optimal, sustainable and digitalized district heating means decreased cost, reduced CO2 emissions and resilient operations. *A new report from Aalborg University, Denmark, outlines the directions and solutions towards further decarbonizing of the European heating and cooling sector by 2050. A key takeaway form the report shows us that a modern 4th generation low-temperature district heating will signicantly increase energy eciency and could lead o 120TWh additional annual primary e ergy savings. Ahead of the technical challenges linked to the constant expansion of the heating networks as well as the new EU legislation, the District Heating utilities eed new t ols and software to plan proj cts and optimize costs. Danfoss Enspire® is our new and improved SCADA solution which helps you to achieve more control of the district energy system with less eort. While with Danf ss Energis® you ca better pla , control and optimize existing and future district heating networks. Those two advanced software from Danfoss allows you to have an improved and sustain ble n twork operation as well as stable energy distribution. Optimal, sustainable and digitalized district heating means decreased cost, reduced CO2 emissions and resilient operations. Decarbonized, sustainable and resilient District Heating with Danfoss Enspire® and Energis®

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