Planning the location of the PLS The shortest possible distance between the power grid and the district heating system is essential.
This year two electrical 40 MJ/s boilers, will be connected to Energinet’s 132 kV system in Gladsaxe, only competitive as the old PLS was located just beside an Energinet power transformer station.
Transmission and Operation Management To ensure operability and minimizing costs it is vital to involve a Transmission System Operator 1) (TSO), and a Distribution System Operator 2) (DSO) in the planning process. In this case, CTR and the TSO (Energinet) identified and planned the optimal place for the PLS together, considering the shortest possible distance between the power grid and the DH network. The electric boilers/heat pumps are only a small part of the investment. The electrical transmission installations (cable and transformers) and connections to the district heating systems represent significant costs too. CTR’s primary PLS strategy is to deliver CO 2 neutral fast operational peak load energy to the DH system. Secondary it is balancing the electrical system using excess electrical energy production and adjusting the frequency. As CTR does not operate in the electrical market an external partner was necessary in this case. In Gentofte, it is Lyngby Kraftvarme (Former Danish Commodities) buying electricity and operating the boiler based on agreed prioritization. The priority is electrical heat available for peak load and reserve load in the DH system. The second priority is Lyngby Kraftvarme using the boiler as an ‘energy accumulation tank’ in the reserve-power market. The success of integrating the DH system and the electrical system depends on partners cooperation and using each partner’s strengths and flexibilities.
The DH system can accumulate energy big time. This project is realizing a fine solution for the future excess power in the grid balancing it out via the DH system – using a very big electrical kettle :-)
For further information please contact: Jan Hindsbo, JAH@CTR.DK
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