Europe has the ambition to utilize district heating (DH) as the backbone of the energy transition because it can store energy from unstable renewable energy sources like wind and sun, necessary for reducing the CO 2 -emissions by 40% in 2030. But todoso the temperatures inDHgridsmustbe loweredwithout letting people freeze. This article tells you how the municipalities of Gentofte and Gladsaxe in Denmark did it by zoning the grid!
By: Carsten Østergård Pedersen Head of District Energy, Business Development
The municipalities of Gentofte and Gladsaxe in Denmark have a fast-growing district heating network. Situated north of Copenhagen the municipalities have a mix of commercial buildings, multi-storage residential buildings, and single-family homes. During cold winters, all supply temperatures were 110°C for meeting the heat demand for every customer. But single-family houses do not need that high temperature so lowering the supply temperature in parts of the distribution network seemed like a good idea. Comfort for everybody “We wanted to turn down the temperature to save energy without affecting negatively on the comfort for those living in critical points of the distribution network. So, wemade some experiments in collaboration with installers and consultants. But we did not find the ideal solution” says Magnus Justesen, Technical Manager, at Gentofte and Gladsaxe District Heating Co. (GGF). “What we needed was a pre-fabricated turnkey solution meeting our demands for temperature reduction, simple installation, and operation.”
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