On the DBDH website, you can listen, discuss, and learn how to decarbonize your city.
Come to our next live webinar, on www.dbdh.dk. Or watch previous webinars from the archive.
Next webinar to come: VIPWebinar - July 16th, 11.00 – 12.00
In this webinar, we have invited top managers from different companies and organizations, who will share their thoughts on how we make district heating a winner all over the world. We are delighted to present 4 distinguished speakers:
District heating (DH) is not a won battle…. yet! All over Europe, a battle to improve framework conditions for DH solutions is on. DH is an important part of an integrated, future proof energy system – some would say it’s the backbone, that can play a vital role in decarbonizing our common energy solutions both for heating, electricity, and transport.
• Volker Kinzeln, Geschäftsführer, KEA , Baden-Württemberg GmbH • Anton Koller,
Divisional President District Energy, Danfoss • Kim Christensen, President & CEO, Logstor • Steen Schelle Jensen, Head of Product Management, Kamstrup
The moderator , to inspire and engage the speaker's discussion, is Birger Lauersen , Manager International Affairs, Danish District Heating Association, and President, Euroheat & Power.
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