Figure: – post edited by DBDH
This far so good – enough about the theory. Here are a few high- profile examples of green transition planning, being launched in Denmark, and where sectoral integrating and district heating are to ensure it all becomes cheaper and greener.
Giant plant in Copenhagen to produce 250,000 tons of eFuel
Some of the largest Danish energy and transport companies are now joining forces to develop a plant to produce sustainable fuels, based on wind power.
1. The first stage is a 10 MW electrolysis plant, to produce hydrogen for buses and trucks, in 2023 already.
3. The final stage is to be ready in 2030 and exploit the full potential of the new offshore wind farm. The electrolysis capa- city increases to 1.3 GW and enough captured CO 2 to produce 250,000 tons of fuel annually. This can replace 30% of the fossil fuels used at Copenhagen Airport. Full completed, the plant will replace 250,000 tons of fossil fuels for road, sea, and air transport, saving the environment for 850,000 tons of CO 2 annually.
2. The second stage, ready by 2027, is a 250 MW plant, expected to be powered by a new wind farm offshore Bornholm in the Baltic Sea. Hydrogen will be produced at the plant, combining CO 2 , captured from point sources in Copenhagen, e.g., from the ARC waste incinerator you can read about below. The aim is to produce methanol for maritime transport and jet fuel, so-called e-kerosene.
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