Compulsory municipal heat planning for all cities with more than20,000 inhabitants: (energyneeds, potentials to reduce the energy consumption, potentials of renewable energies and excess heat, necessary areas, strategy for implementation). All 1,100 municipalities in Baden-Württemberg are required to submit their data on the energy consumption of the municipal building stock to an online database. This requirement intends to push municipalities towards effective energy manage- ment. To this end, KEA-BW has developed – together with three other state energy agencies - the toolbox Kom.EMS, which helps municipalities to manage the municipal building stock systematically. The amendment's cornerstones were discussed already in 2018, but the political process was somewhat lengthy. In the end, it took almost two years to achieve an agreement for the regulations. From an energy efficiency point of view, these are the most important topics:
By: Dr. Volker Kienzlen, KEA climate protection and energy agency Baden-Württemberg
ThestateofBaden-Württemberg introducescompulsory municipal heat planning for the biggest cities in the state. For the first time, the cities have to develop a vision for their CO 2 -neutral heat supply 2050. The Danish example was successfully adopted to German boundary conditions. We expect that the obligation to craft the first municipal heat plans will boost district heating systems in the South-West of Germany. This experience can then be used as a role model for other regions or states. Today, only a few cities have a clear vision of decarbonizing their heat supply within the coming decades. In Baden- Württemberg, the climate protection law obliges 103 cities and towns to work out their vision for a fossil-free heat supply by 2050 and develop a roadmap. These cities are home to 5.5 million people and thus half of the state's population. The parliament finally adopted the amendment to the state's climate protection law from 2013 on October 14th, 2020. With this amendment, Baden-Württemberg will pave the way towards a carbon-free thermal energy supply of the cities.
PV will be required on all new non-residential buildings and parking lots for more than 75 cars from 2022 onwards.
Climate mobility plans are introduced for cities.
A tool to foster sustainable construction, NBBW, will be implemented in all grant schemes.
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