WEC World Energy Consumption*
DHC Share
RE Renewable Energy in DHC 68,800 ktoe = 800,000 GWh 8%
!" , #$% , %%% ktoe = !&& , %%% , %%% GWh
60,000 ktoe = 9,965,000 GWh 6% of WEC
* IEA defines one tonne of oil quivalent: 1 toe = 11.63 MWh; 1 ktoe = 11.63 GWh
DHC 1.5% of USA's energy consumption
RE in DHC ! %
16% of WEC
DHC networks are well established in the European Union, where they meet more than 8% of total heat demand. Finland, Denmark, Sweden and Baltic countries have the highest penetrations of district heating in Europe. European countries are expected to be the second-largest contributors to projected renewables growth during 2019-24, mostly because more bioenergy is used in existing and new DHC systems
11% of WEC
DHC share RE in DHC
" % # % ! %
! % "# % #! % #! % &' % $' %
Germany France Finland Sweden
DHC 8% of Europe's energy consumption
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Denmark "( %
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