One third of all DH in the world is in Russia! Despite a decline since 2012 DHC still provides more than one-third of the country’s heat consumption and the share of DH in total energy consumption is 22%.
DHC 22% of Russia's energy consumption
RE in DHC ! %
5% of WEC
China is responsible for more than one-quarter of global heat demand, and one third of all DHC in the world. China has the fastest-growing district heating capacity in the world as well. In 2005, district networks heated around 40% of floor area in the provinces that make up the Northern Urban Heating Area. Since then, over 95% of floor area growth resulting from greater urbanization has been covered by district heating. The heat supplied through DHC has almost doubled, amounting to 8% of the country’s heat consumption in 2018. Replacing inefficient individual coal-fired boilers with district heating systems and using alternative fuels such as bioenergy and waste in these systems, is part of China’s strategy to fight air pollution in large cities. Renewable energy consumption for DHC is anti- cipated to expand more than 40% globally over 2019-24 with China responsible for more than 80% of this increase.
DHC 5% of China's energy consumption
RE in DHC " %
22% of WEC
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