HOT|COOL NO.3/2021 - "Don't waste it!"

Our green journey �re�insulate� pipes �it� casing of externally rec�cle� ����

�� ��������� ��� ��������� ��� ������������� ���� �������� �n� �a�e t�erefore ta�en t�e first �ut i�portant step to�ar�s a �ore sustaina�le future �it� t�e �e�elop�ent of casing for �istrict �eating pipes� pro�uce� fro� e�ternall� source� rec�cle� HDPE for projects agreed with the customer � ��is pioneering initiati�e �ill c�ange t�e in�ustr� an� �ring rec�cla�le plastic into an unparallele� focus in our �usiness� Of course �it�out co�pro�ising �it� t�e �ualit� an� life ti�e of t�e pre�insulate� pipe s�ste��

• �innerup ��ern�ar�e ��innerup� ��� � � �� ��in�ipe ���������� � ������������ • �re�eri�s�erg �ors�ning ��re�eri�s�erg� ��� � ��� �� s ingle p ipe ��������

��e ne�t natural step is to increase t�e pro�otion of our �reen �ipes outsi�e of �en�ar��

"All energy companies have green agendas so the new green product should be an interesting opportunity", sa�s our �ro�uct an� �ca�e�� �anager �eter �orsal� ��o at t�e sa�e ti�e in�ites co�panies �it� green a��itions to �oin us on our �ourne� to�ar�s creating energ� efficient an� sustaina�le �istrict �eating for t�e �enefit of future generations�

�e e�perience increase� interest fro��anis� �nerg� co�panies in our �reen �ipes�

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�can t�e �� co�e for �irect contact �it� �eter �orsal�

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