HOT | COOL NO. 4/2012 - Interface, Users and Utilities

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DBDH is part of the new Danish partnership Green Energy (Grøn Energi) together with the Danish District Heating Association as well as several leading international companies from the district heating sector, including Danfoss, Grundfos, Kamstrup and Logstor. Green Energy will work to ensure that Denmark has an eco-friendly, safe and future-proof district heating and cooling system. This will also create more export and thus more jobs. The goal is to improve the opportunities for district heating and cooling and provide a basis for development, green growth and job creation in an area that holds the solutions to the requirements regarding energy savings, efficiency and a future based on 100 % renewable energy. Green Energy will carry out analyses and studies to find out how to get the best and most efficient green energy - to the benefit of society, consumers and businesses. The new initiative unites the district heating companies and the industry, and the aim is to create a strong position for district heating and cooling. "District heating is a system that solves the problems faced by Denmark and other countries in the process of making their energy systems more efficient while reducing the use of fossil fuels. Denmark is an international leader in district heating, because we have a tradition of utilizing resources in the best possible way. This provides us with a huge potential for growth and job creation," says President of Green Energy, Jørgen Mads Clausen, Danfoss. "By joining forces and creating the basis for research, development and export, we create the possibility of thousands of new jobs in green energy". The Danish district heating industry now exports approximately 6 billion DKK annually. This number is expected to grow to 7.6 billion DKK in 2015 and to exceed 10 billion DKK in 2020. The reason is that all over the world, efforts are made to reduce the energy consumption, which means that the need growths for energy-saving and green technologies such as district heating.

Green Energy was established on 1 October 2012 by DBDH, the Danish District Heating Association, the Danish Energy Industries Federation, Danfoss, Grundfos, Logstor, Kamstrup, COWI, Grontmij and Ramboll, all of which are among the world's leading district heating companies. The Danish district heating industry employs approx. 9200. This number is expected to grow by at least 2000 until 2020. District heating covers 63 % or 1.6 million of Danish households and is expected to grow to approx. 75 %. This will create 7-8000 new jobs. There are approx. 450 district heating plants in Denmark

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